Homework Week 2
- Make a group that consist 2-3 people. We prefer that you make a group with people you don't know. Don't be alone!
- [Class Homework] Please contribute to this Wiki by creating new page about the group assignment (point 1) under
. Please follow contribution guideline and open merge request before monday, 25 November 2019 22.00.
- Read README.md of this repository.
- Create a java project and work on the stories in problem statement. After finished, please create a new repository in week 2 with format [alias-1_alias-2-alias-n]-todolistapp (example: qornanali_saifulwebid-todolistapp). Use the same contribution process with contribution guideline. Then, push the project to that repository before thursday, 28 November 2019 21.00 so that mentors can review your merge request.
- Read blog "Introduction to Clean Code" by Hackernoon.
- Write lesson learned that you got in Week 2. Please follow this guide. (Not mandatory)