Homework Week 2

  1. Make a group that consist 2-3 people. We prefer that you make a group with people you don't know. Don't be alone!
  2. [Class Homework] Please contribute to this Wiki by creating new page about the group assignment (point 1) under /homework. Please follow contribution guideline and open merge request before monday, 25 November 2019 22.00.
  3. Read README.md of this repository.
  4. Create a java project and work on the stories in problem statement. After finished, please create a new repository in week 2 with format [alias-1_alias-2-alias-n]-todolistapp (example: qornanali_saifulwebid-todolistapp). Use the same contribution process with contribution guideline. Then, push the project to that repository before thursday, 28 November 2019 21.00 so that mentors can review your merge request.
  5. Read blog "Introduction to Clean Code" by Hackernoon.
  6. Write lesson learned that you got in Week 2. Please follow this guide. (Not mandatory)

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