Homework Week 4

  1. Continue to work on your Java project by implementing all you have learned in the previous week.
  2. Do all the previous homeworks (week 1, week 2, week 3) and push it to group week 4 before 12 December 2019 21.00 so that mentors can review it for you.
  3. Implement google-java-format-gradle-plugin and use AOSP format.
    • Refer to this repository for a good example.
    • Don't forget to update your README.md file to include the linter commands.
  4. Understand what are the differences between the verGJF and goJF command in the linter (i.e. what are the commands doing?).
  5. Exclude unnecessary files in your repository by utilizing gitignore.
  6. Read blog about Continuous Integration by Martin Fowler and Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble.
  7. Write lesson learned that you got in Week 4. Please follow this guide. (Not mandatory)

Prerequisites for Week 5

In week 5, we will learn about CI/CD and practice it. We will use your team repository, and we will do Git push/pull in this class.

To prepare for that, make sure:

  • We already have our project ready in GitLab.
    • In the class, we will not help setting up local environment again - please check with your classmates :)
  • You know how to set up JTK proxy for your git and gradle.
    • Discuss with your classmates for this.
    • How to check for this:
      • We can do git push and git pull in JTK to your repository.
      • We can do gradle init and gradle test straight from an empty folder in JTK.
  • You already set up a linter (assigned as homework above).

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